Historic Castle and Park Complex in Krasiczyn area Przemyśl, voivodeship podkarpackie p>
with a total area 14,4744 ha covering buildings: Castle, Oficyna – stables, Swiss Pavilion and Kordegarda – opinion on the market value taking into account the subject of the valuation in two variants according to the current price level as at the day of valuation:
– according to the state of the property as at September 13, 1944 (in connection with the unauthorized takeover of part of the former land property of the family of pre-war owners in Krasiczyn to the Treasury under the provisions of the PKWN Decree of September 6, 1944
– according to the state of property as at November 30, 2018, also taking into account the level of prices of similar historic properties in Europe.
December 2018